Mailing bags
The website for all your mailing bags needs

Mailing bags

Buy mailing bags now

Mailing bags are most commonly used for posting promotional material or delivering your products to your customers. They are often referred to as courier bags or courier sacks, polythene mailers or postal mailers. Manufacturers and suppliers of mailing bags include:

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Eco friendly alternatives

Protection of the environment is an important issue and although it often experiences a bad press due to ignorance, packaging made out of plastic and polythene is actually one of the most efficient forms of packaging (due to its very low carbon footprint) and the ability to recycle. The following sites specialise in "green packaging" (environmentally-friendly) packaging:

You might also be interested in the following environmentally-friendly packaging sites:

mailing bags

Printed Mailing Bags

Alternative packaging

There are many types of packaging all for specific uses. To obtain information about other types of polythene bags or polythene film, visit:

Research and resources

For more detailed information on mailers, including how they are manufactured and the different types of packaging products available, please see:

  • Mailing bags articles
    PackagingKnowledge provides articles and news for an in-depth understanding of the flexible plastic packaging industry including this article on mail order bags and mailing envelopes.

  • Mailing bags directory
    Free packaging directory where businesses can add their bags, film and biodegradable product listings for free.

  • Goldstork mailing bags directory
    Interesting "best of the web" directory with links to useful mailing bags websites.


Chinese authorities have accepted the import of additional plastics waste into their country. They will allow the import of ethylene, styrene, PVC, PET bottles and CD-ROM scraps. This new policy may increase the fragile state in which European recyclers find themselves.
More polythene news.

Additive to make bottles biodegradable launched

Dubai: An additive that makes plastic bottles completely biodegradable was officially launched in Dubai on Sunday. Several UAE-based mineral water companies are believed to be considering investing in the technology, which could reduce the amount of plastic waste that ends up in the country's landfills.

This PET's a big blue-box problem

But moves are afoot to get thermoform PET containers into the recycling stream. Okay, so what's the story about PET or PETE. That's the plastic in water and pop bottles with a "1" in the recycling triangle on the bottom. It's name: polyethylene terephthalate. Many clear plastic berry boxes, lettuce bins and egg cartons are made out of PET, too, although the molecular structure is different. They are manufactured by a thermoform process in which PET film is pressed into shape, while bottles are made by blowing air into a tube, forcing the hot plastic against the sides of a mould cavity.

More on mailing bags